Helping Homeowners Use Solar Power Since Smart Phones Were In Diapers!™
Electric Rain™ Is Part Of The Nation’s Leading Team Of Solar Power Professionals!
Based In CA, For 16 Years – We’re Nationwide!
–Bringing The Financial Benefits Of Solar Power To Homeowners Everywhere!
That’s Over 70,000 Hours Of Sunlight!
And We Haven’t Had To Change The Bulb Yet! ™
Solar Power! It’s Not Just Bright, It’s Brilliant!™
Talk To An Experienced Solar Power Professional Right Away?

To SUN??? Or Not To SUN???

a Question???

Is Your SUN Running???

Well, You Better Catch It Before It Runs Out… Oh, Wait, Yeah, It Never Runs Out…”

Use Rays Now???
Think Your Home Can Do This???
What Gets Us Out Of Bed Every Day?
Why The SUN, Of Course! ™
We Are Residential Solar Power Professionals
-- Thought Leaders, Lighting The Way…
Has Just One Purpose
- We will Help You See The SUN For What It Really Is
- And Make It Obvious To You, As A Homeowner, Why You Should Start Using Solar Power, As Soon As Possible!
Why Trust

Simple! All We Do Is SUN!
(And Who Can You Trust More Than The SUN?)
We’ve Helped 10’s Of Thousands Of People Live In Homes Powered By The Sun.
- We haven’t been around as long as the SUN , but we have been helping homeowners like you, use solar power, for about as long as anyone you could find!
- We’ve helped lead the way, always guided by the SUN – and it’s been quite A journey!
- What WE have to share with you, you won’t hear anywhere else!
- Our mission is to help you SEE what you’ve been missing all this time!
- We’ll help you see how the money REALLY flows!
We make sure that when you start using Solar Power:
- Local Experts bring it into your home!
- Managed by Experienced Industry Giants!
- Backed by the BEST Warranties and Guaranties!
- With Resources Planned for your Long-Term Benefit and Care!
- Did you know that WE can choose, quite literally, ANY Resource to bring Solar Power into your Home? That’s right!
- So, it makes GREAT business sense to choose only Large Providers, with Deep Pockets, Large Purchasing Power and Equipment Negotiating Power, and Access to the BEST Financial Products, all with Long Term Experience
- When you consider where the money is coming from? It is easy to see you should only want the very MOST of everything that’s GOOD for you, and the very LEAST of everything that’s BAD for you!
Have You Ever Seen a Home Use Solar Power Like This Before?
Talk about Radical! Move Along Folks! Nothing To See Here! (Right?)
Have You Ever Seen a Home Use Solar Power Like This Before?
Talk about Radical! Move Along Folks! Nothing To See Here! (Right?)
Have You Ever Seen a Home Use Solar Power Like This Before?
Talk about Radical! Move Along Folks! Nothing To See Here! (Right?)
Have You Ever Seen a Home Use Solar Power Like This Before?
Talk about Radical! Move Along Folks! Nothing To See Here! (Right?)
Have You Ever Seen a Home Use Solar Power Like This Before?
Talk about Radical! Move Along Folks! Nothing To See Here! (Right?)
Have You Ever Seen a Home Use Solar Power Like This Before?
Talk about Radical! Move Along Folks! Nothing To See Here! (Right?)
What Our Clients Have To Say About Using Solar Power
– Phil & Betty B, Encino, CA
“We really wasted so much time thinking about whether we wanted to buy solar panels or not. We lived here already, for five years, when we went to a friend’s house, for a party, and they had a Solar Power System on the roof. We started talking about the fact that we’d had a few companies come over and tell us about their solar panels, and it just didn’t make any sense. But our friends explained to us why they have a Solar Power System. All of a sudden, it was painfully obvious what went wrong with those other companies. Our friend told us to call Duane. It only took 15 minutes with Duane for us to see what we were missing, and to understand how bad it was that we’d waited so long. He had so much experience, and really knew how to cut through to the actual point, and so, we took -action right away. It was that compelling, and really sort of obvious. He made sure we had the best of everything, and the people that did the necessary work, did everything you’d expect. All we had to do was sit back, let it happen, and start benefiting. Duane showed us how to explain this to our friends and family – and that’s a great feeling – to be able to give your friends and family such a valuable gift – that’s so easy to get.”
– Cary and Audrey G, Sherman Oaks, CA
“Before we started using solar power, we talked to at least four of those solar panel companies in about 3 years. They all said the same thing. They said they had the best panels and great pricing. That they used local installers. They said there were tax credits and deals. That things were going to change, so we better hurry. Some of them talked about government programs. They all said we were going to save money, that the solar panels would add value to our house, and that it’s good for the environment. But at the end of the day, when they showed us their results, there was nothing exciting enough that made it seem important. Then we met Duane, in line at Costco, after overhearing him on a phone-call. In less than 5 minutes, he helped us finally see what was really going on with Solar Power, and we both had an Aha moment. We both looked at each other, and my wife said to me, I can’t believe we didn’t see things this clearly all these years. It’s like we’re talking about something completely different, and it’s so obvious. All we could think was why didn’t someone explain things this way before? We chatted over Zoom, then he came to our home, and we got things moving right away. Since then, we’ve helped several friends, and family get the same understanding, and service from Duane and his team.”
–Sabrina F., Agoura Hills, CA
“When people ask us about our Solar Power System, which isn’t very often by the way, they always want to know “how did the installation go?” Well, we’ve had the system for over 8 years, and frankly, we don’t really remember the installation in any great detail. It only took about a day and ½ and we were mostly at work. My husband vaguely recalls that there was some kind of issue – it might have been needing to re-schedule, because someone couldn’t show up that day. I recall something to do with a part, or a piece of the electrical work needing to be modified for some reason. It’s like asking me to describe when they came to install Dish Network, 8 years ago, or something. The really fun thing is, I like to play a game with them – to see if they’ll ask me why we did it? And you know, they never, ever do! So, I have to tell them what was happening, before we started using Solar Power, and what’s been happening since. It isn’t that hard to make them see what’s really going on. People are always shocked to find out what I got for using Solar Power. So, whenever someone asks me about it, I clue them in, then I always make sure to refer them to Duane, to fix their problem professionally.”
– Phil & Betty B, Encino, CA
“We really wasted so much time thinking about whether we wanted to buy solar panels or not. We lived here already, for five years, when we went to a friend’s house, for a party, and they had a Solar Power System on the roof. We started talking about the fact that we’d had a few companies come over and tell us about their solar panels, and it just didn’t make any sense. But our friends explained to us why they have a Solar Power System. All of a sudden, it was painfully obvious what went wrong with those other companies. Our friend told us to call Duane. It only took 15 minutes with Duane for us to see what we were missing, and to understand how bad it was that we’d waited so long. He had so much experience, and really knew how to cut through to the actual point, and so, we took -action right away. It was that compelling, and really sort of obvious. He made sure we had the best of everything, and the people that did the necessary work, did everything you’d expect. All we had to do was sit back, let it happen, and start benefiting. Duane showed us how to explain this to our friends and family – and that’s a great feeling – to be able to give your friends and family such a valuable gift – that’s so easy to get.”
– Cary and Audrey G, Sherman Oaks, CA
“Before we started using solar power, we talked to at least four of those solar panel companies in about 3 years. They all said the same thing. They said they had the best panels and great pricing. That they used local installers. They said there were tax credits and deals. That things were going to change, so we better hurry. Some of them talked about government programs. They all said we were going to save money, that the solar panels would add value to our house, and that it’s good for the environment. But at the end of the day, when they showed us their results, there was nothing exciting enough that made it seem important. Then we met Duane, in line at Costco, after overhearing him on a phone-call. In less than 5 minutes, he helped us finally see what was really going on with Solar Power, and we both had an Aha moment. We both looked at each other, and my wife said to me, I can’t believe we didn’t see things this clearly all these years. It’s like we’re talking about something completely different, and it’s so obvious. All we could think was why didn’t someone explain things this way before? We chatted over Zoom, then he came to our home, and we got things moving right away. Since then, we’ve helped several friends, and family get the same understanding, and service from Duane and his team.”
–Sabrina F., Agoura Hills, CA
“When people ask us about our Solar Power System, which isn’t very often by the way, they always want to know “how did the installation go?” Well, we’ve had the system for over 8 years, and frankly, we don’t really remember the installation in any great detail. It only took about a day and ½ and we were mostly at work. My husband vaguely recalls that there was some kind of issue – it might have been needing to re-schedule, because someone couldn’t show up that day. I recall something to do with a part, or a piece of the electrical work needing to be modified for some reason. It’s like asking me to describe when they came to install Dish Network, 8 years ago, or something. The really fun thing is, I like to play a game with them – to see if they’ll ask me why we did it? And you know, they never, ever do! So, I have to tell them what was happening, before we started using Solar Power, and what’s been happening since. It isn’t that hard to make them see what’s really going on. People are always shocked to find out what I got for using Solar Power. So, whenever someone asks me about it, I clue them in, then I always make sure to refer them to Duane, to fix their problem professionally.”

SUNCentral™ - We're Here For You

Let's Get Together And Talk About My Favorite Subject - ME!!
Don't Worry - There's Enough Of ME!!!
To Go Around!!!
(You See What I Did There???)
- I Can Connect With You, Every Day (Believe It Or Not, Even At Night!)
- Wait Until You See What’s REALLY Going On With Me!
- I Know You Can Feel My Power! But I Need You To SEE It Too!!!